Trendy California Brewpub Opens Up with Aluminum Full View Doors

KSBC-Anaheim features operable wall solutions to provide flexible on-demand access to natural lighting, air ventilation, and an amazing view of Angel Stadium.

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Trendy California Brewpub Opens Up with Aluminum Full View Doors
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6 Creative Garage Makeovers to Inspire Your Own

6 Creative Garage Makeovers to Inspire Your Own

Most of us could use a little extra space - for an office, for entertaining or just for relaxing, but few of us have the budget or room to add on to our existing homes. But there may be a blank slate nearby, just waiting to be reinvented: the garage.

Embrace Your Inner Designer with Amarr Color Zone

Embrace Your Inner Designer with Amarr Color Zone

Since garage doors are often the largest opening in a home, they shouldn't be neglected when it comes to home design! With Amarr Color Zone, they won't be.

4 Ways the Amarr Smart Wi-Fi Garage Door Openers Help Your Home

4 Ways the Amarr Smart Wi-Fi Garage Door Openers Help Your Home

Not all garage door openers are created equal! The new Amarr Wi-Fi Openers feature many benefits for your garage, home security, and smart home capabilities.

Need to Replace or Repair Your Garage Door? Find a Dealer Near You

Service or Upgrade Your Garage Door Today!

Magnetic Clavos – Giving Garage Doors Rustic Charm

Magnetic Clavos – Giving Garage Doors Rustic Charm

Rustic design can pack a huge punch with just a small item. Recreate this antique look for the garage door with Magnetic Clavos!

4 Ways Amarr SafeGuard System Keeps Your Family Safe

4 Ways Amarr SafeGuard System Keeps Your Family Safe

You've probably thought about how safe your car, your child's bike helmet, or your babysitter is, but have you thought about how safe your garage door is?

MUST SEE: Barns that Have Garage Doors

MUST SEE: Barns that Have Garage Doors

When many people think about barns, they think about an old, red, wooden building with a large wooden door.  What many people don't think about is a stylish garage door!

3 Things to Know about the NEW Amarr Lincoln LI1000/LI2000 and Hillcrest HI1000/HI2000

3 Things to Know about the NEW Amarr Lincoln LI1000/LI2000 and Hillcrest HI1000/HI2000

Because the Amarr Lincoln LI3000 and Hillcrest HI3000 garage doors are so popular, Entrematic is releasing single-layer and double-layer constructions in each collection!

Garage space isn’t just for cars anymore

Garage space isn’t just for cars anymore

The word garage, when looked up in the dictionary, has a simple meaning: a building or indoor area for parking or storing motor vehicles. By and large, this definition sums up exactly what comes to mind for most folks when they hear the word. But for some folks, garages are so much more than a space to park the family minivan and store the cumbersome and unattractive trash and recycling bins.

Stylish Strength: Amarr Wind Load Garage Doors

Stylish Strength: Amarr Wind Load Garage Doors

It's that time of year again - hurricane season. Even if you don't live in a coastal area, tornadoes and severe storms can also produce strong and damaging winds. It's important that you don't underestimate the value of having a wind load approved garage door.

Design your door

Ready for a New Look? Try Our Garage Door Designer For Free!