Opening Doors to a Cure at JDRF OneWalk in Winston-Salem, NC
Oct 28, 2016
Community Outreach
2 minute read
Entrematic was pleased to support the Piedmont Triad chapter of the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) at their annual OneWalk on Saturday, October 22, 2016 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. JDRF initiatives aim to improve the lives of those with type 1 diabetes through research on treatments and, eventually, a cure. The theme of the OneWalk was “make type one ‘type none!'”
Team Members at the Winston-Salem Support Center got together to raise money for the foundation. Team “Opening Doors to a Cure” raised over $2,100 for type 1 diabetes research! The team walked a 2.5 mile course around Wake Forest University’s BB&T Field complex.
Although it was a windy day, the weather was beautiful and lots of fun was had. Check out the photos from the Winston-Salem JDRF OneWalk below!

Team Opening Doors to a Cure before the walk, ready to go!

Before the walk, local businesses from the community, as well as educational tents, were set up to support the walkers.

Participants passed under the JDRF OneWalk arch to begin the walk.

A huge crowd from the local community came out to support the Piedmont Triad chapter of the JDRF!

Team Opening Doors to a Cure after completing the walk we were “blown away” by all the support!
Thank you to everyone who supported our walk team! To learn more about how JDRF is helping turn type one into type none, visit JDRF.org.

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